Friday, August 14, 2020

A Walk Through Jorgensen Park.......

A walk through Jorgensen Park in Kalamunda had me absolutely lost in the beauty that surrounded me.
The awe I feel whenever I am in nature is something I trust will never change, for to be so enchanted by the magnificence of nature as she fills my heart with love and reminds me of how blessed I am to be here on this planet with all the other lifeforms that share it with me.

Seeing what most people walked past is a gift, tiny mushrooms and a leaf with several raindrops on it are not perhaps what many others would find captivating.
But captivated I was.
I have been to this park twice before, but this time I wandered further and discovered all sorts of  visual treasures.
The acacia trees were blooming as well as a few other native flowers, I found some really interesting trees that  were growing at rather wacky angles, the energy of this particular place was really quite special.
When I am in nature my soul sings, there is no such thing as a quick walk, and normally if I try to just go for a walk I still get drawn to explore something that captures my attention. 
Our Earth Mother is my medicine.
She heals.
She inspires.
She is living art which always intices my soul to venture a little further to see what treasures are waiting to be seen.

I will never stop seeing the awesome beauty of my Earth Mother, I will always be enchanted by her, and I will always go to her when in need of peace, whether in my own garden or a tranquil bushland such as this.......


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots!