Monday, August 17, 2020


Changing the bed linen each week is always a time for a good play session with the kitty kids zooming across the bed chasing the fresh sheets as I place them on the bed.
Once they see the old sheets come off they know that one of their favourite games is about to start.
Miss Bear and Charlie were absolutely hilarious as they chased the sheets as I threw them out across the top of the bed.
Nala is not as intrigued by this game as much as the other two, she instead races across the bed and then dashes off to do laps around the house joining in the game in her own unique way.
Bed making always brings with it a giggling fit as I work between the antics of these funny little cats it is never a quick chore but that is okay, laughter makes any mundane household chore so much more fun.....


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