Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lyrics To A Favourite Song..........

Lyrics to a favourite song were echoing in my mind as I woke this morning.

If you don't fight with life, life simply takes you, puts you on it's shoulder.

Waking in the early hours and going outside to the still dark world to sit, sipping my hot lemon water and feeling into the early morning stillness as the songs of the magpies echoed out across the otherwise sleeping land, their haunting calls carried on the gentle breeze that softy danced through the leaves.

Life really is such a sacred gift, each day can be extraordinary, it's simply up to us what energy we choose to infuse into our realms. 
Life for me is extraordinary, the first words uttered out of my mouth on waking is, "it's going to be an extraordinary day."

Since I have been stating this on waking each day has been extraordinary. 
The extraordinary is found in the ordinary, and the more I flow with life the more life shows me what sort of energies are in tune with my own vibration.
Radiating to the flow of my heart I have learnt that anything other than harmony and joy is a distraction, and a total waste of my energy designed to try to take me away from my peace.
Life doesn't always flow how we want it, but fighting the tough patches only causes these turbulent times to increase and create more of the same.

Learning to say okay so this is a bit murky, what to do?

What to do is to flow with it, take your ego out of the equation and let go of anger and fear.
Having been one who use to fight the rough patches or hang onto situations/relationships that I knew in my heart were not in tune with my soul I did learn the hard way about trusting the flow of life.
Now though, if it doesn't flow then I simply float on past, ride out the waves and allow the stillness to carry me once again to my calm and peaceful place.

Nothing stays the same, those of us who fully embrace working on ourselves to heal the heart, to stop old behaviours and cleanse old outdated narratives out of our minds come to this same place I find myself now and we realise that life is ever changing.
Working on healing the heart leaves no room for dramas and disharmony, for these energies are totally opposed, you will never achieve your desire to cleanse the past if you still get drawn into situations that are designed to disrupt your heart.
There is no room for stories and gossip, or anger and fear because they no longer fit into the flow of your life.
You come to place where you see how wasteful it is to use your energy for anything other than keeping to the lessons taught, the lessons and growth that brought you to this peaceful place of knowing how far you have come, what you have let go of,  and what is truly important in your own life.
A place where doing the right thing sometimes places you in the firing line, but allowing the heart to navigate you find that it always takes you back to that calm and tranquil place, the place that is true for you.

It's place where you find yourself with very few people in your life story, however the people you do have in your tiny circle are worth more to you than a chest full of gold.
You realise that treasures are not measured by how much they cost, they are measured by how they make the heart feel.

A family of ducks silently paddling across the river fills my heart with such a deep sense of wholeness.
Watching the endless beauty of a flowing river is far more fulfilling than any fleeting satisfaction momentarily achieved from purchasing some material thing.
Nurturing my tiny little bit of my beloved Earth Mother creating a haven of tranquility not only for myself, but also for the birds and insects that thrive in this natural wonderland I have created is my souls medicine.
It has taught me how simply beautiful life is, it has taught me to return to the simple way of life, to keep life real, and anything that does not bring joy and love is not needed in my realm.

It really is true that the less you fight the more you flow, so I am sitting on life's shoulder and allowing the flow to take me home to the gentle teachings of the heart.

As the morning dawns with the dark clouds filling the sky I sit watching the rain falling the powerful cleansing of a storm washing away all that is no longer needed and sitting with immense gratitude for the person whose teachings have shown me the way to heal my life.
It hasn't been an easy journey to shift a lifetime of patterning, yet with my outward declaration to follow this modality I have chosen I truly have seen how blessed I am, how blessed we all are to be living a human life.
In this word that is designed to disconnect us from what is truly important I really do have such deep respect for the person who has helped me find my way back to wholeness.
Of his support and example of learning to live from the heart.
My own hard work to clear the past has been well worth the effort, learning to stay true to myself and the teachings I follow especially when things get a tad unsettled.
It's to not only to remember but also to know that all things are interconnected, nothing is separate, it is simply an illusion designed to give each of us a different personal perspective as to what life is really about. 
And to have clarity of mind to see that the true teachings of life do not come from schools or universities, the teachings of life have to be felt, no books or classrooms can possibly convey what I have learned through sitting in silence and going deep within my own heart.......


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