Sunday, August 02, 2020

The Beginning Of Another ........

The beginning of another day, and what a perfect morning it was, walking around the garden with my coffee feeling the warmth of the morning sun melt away the briskness of night as it rose higher in the sky, breathing in the many scents drifting on the slight breeze.
Realising that I had missed a few flowers on my meanders yesterday, as well as finding new vantage points to view my garden I captured these precious moments.
Cushions replaced in their rightful place, cats out enjoying the ground beneath their paws as they watched the birds flitting in and out of the garden keeping them transfixed.
Maple was enjoying a dust bath under the shady canopy of the trees as Aslan sat next to her, such a beautiful rooster who does well to share his affections evenly with his little harem of happy hens.

Totally in the moment and enjoying this relaxing way that I begin each day, with such peace and in harmony with all that surrounds me.............

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