Saturday, August 15, 2020

Discovering This Garden Cafe.....

Discovering this garden cafe today while out with a friend  on the hunt for medicinal hawthorn trees, unfortunately we were not successful in finding any of the hawthorn trees we were after, we did however stumble across this really lovely cafe, which turned out to have a little bit of everything.

The seating area outside was delightful, the day quite warm and sunny making this such perfect place to sit and enjoy the ambiance the sunshine and company was gifting. 
Having a little willy wagtail flitting about collecting crumbs was rather enchanting, it was busy foraging by our feet at one point whilst keeping a watchful eye as other people approached the counter to order, most unaware that the tiny bird was there.
The bird though seemed very relaxed about all the feet walking past and occasionally flew off to a higher perch, maybe to enjoy the morsels collected.

A wander around the cafe grounds after delicious cake and coffee we discovered that there was quite a lot to see, the plants and pots for sale were artfully arranged, and we discovered some really wonderful wood furniture in a building at the end of one of the paths.

Perhaps our most exquisite moment was discovering a water bowl which contained a fleet of tadpoles.
Seeing my friend and I are both wild about nature we took the time to admire these soon to be frogs. 
This miracle of life didn't draw everyone's attention, but they certainly were not missed by us.

A face on one of the trees was also really intriguing and prompted a conversation, it looked like something straight out of a fairytale book, but my favourite capture of the day would have to be the sleeping snail. 
Curled up on a wall sound asleep as life bustled around it.
So tiny, so vulnerable but ever so peaceful......

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