Saturday, August 01, 2020

Little Nala Had.....

Little Nala had her desxing operation twelve days ago and unfortunately the first  day I went back to work after taking two days off to nurse her she pulled her cone collar off and spent the day licking her wound.
Taking her back to get her stitches out on Wednesday and to check the inflammation of the area which I was concerned about, she had caused an infection by that one day of licking, little imp and therefore needed more treatment.
The vet glued one area of the wound back together an injection of antibiotics was given and I was sent home with extra pain relief and cream for the wound and in less than twenty four hours she had perked up and the inflammation settled.
Yesterday she was finally running around the house once again her playful self and seemed in less discomfort, a couple more days of the cone collar to make sure she doesn't reopen the wound and then it will be back to normal for this tiny furry angel.....

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