Sunday, August 09, 2020

It's Amazing......

It's amazing what a difference a year makes in a garden.
Last year my son decided to take up the grass in one area of the back garden to create a mini native garden to attract birds and to bring another dimension to the space.
The garden went in late spring and during the relentless heat of the summer months some of the plants did struggle, he lost a couple and others did appear to be just hanging in there as they dealt with the ferocious summer heat.
Seeing  how the garden is thriving now and the array of flowers in the garden was pure delight, there are many plants in this garden I don't have myself, and I was particularly drawn to the two grevilleas that he has which I don't, the grevilleas have such wildly unusual flowers and I always find myself drawn to them, and even though I would like to have more of these in my own garden I realise I'm running out of space so I will have to settle seeing them here.
I spied a couple of caterpillars nibbling on leaves, like me my son left them to feed, not flicking them off or killing them, much like his mother he lets life in the garden unfold as naturally as possible.

The placing of two emu sculptures have added a different dynamic to the garden, and from some viewpoints it looks like they are headed off somewhere.
The orange tree is fruiting, and tomatoes and broccoli also growing, a garden that offers both beauty and food is truly a special place.....


1 comment:

Just Jood said...

What a beautiful garden! Your son has your green fingers,Gemel.