Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A Brisk Winters Morning......

A brisk winters morning in the garden, fingers numb as I walk around capturing the magical ambience that the soft morning sun provides as the rays already bring a much welcomed warmth after days of  cold winds and heavy downpours of rain.
Tiny Nova was out and about after going broody on Monday she is now sitting on three eggs, so in 21 days I am hoping she successfully hatches three healthy chicks.
How wonderful it is to have a garden that continues to nurture new life.
The mulberry tree is laden with ripening fruit, the most it has ever produced 
Dew drops on the leaves throughout the garden when the sun catching them it makes them twinkle..
Flowers are blooming throughout the garden, yet no fragrance fills the air as the sun needs to strengthen it's heat before the perfumes can drift on the slight breeze.
Another extraordinary day awaits.....


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots. Your winters are very different from ours.