Saturday, August 08, 2020

My Medicine Corner......

My medicine corner is not what is normally found in most homes, mine has no pharmaceutical drugs at all, instead I have a selection of liquid herbal mixtures and a few high quality herbal supplements plus my regular glove of garlic taken once per day to fight colds and keep the immune system strong, as well as starting my day with hot water and the juice of a whole lemon to kick start the body each morning to flush out toxins.
Having lost contact with my herbalist a few years ago I did try mainstream medicine to help with a chronic illness that I had, after visiting many doctors trying without success to find out what was going on they not only would not listen to what I was saying, they also each wanted to fill me up with a concoction of chemical based drugs and send me on my way. 
The problem with taking any chemical based pills is that my body reacts badly to them, and they always made things so much worse. Each prescription I was given found its way into the nearest bin on exiting the doctors surgery.
Thankfully I reconnected with my herbalist and was introduced to a new naturopath, not only did they listen but they also found out what the issue in my body was, with herbs given by both now once again I am in full vibrant health after several years of being extremely poorly.
Herbal medicine is the oldest form of medicine, it is a far gentler way of healing the body.
It is a really sad state of affairs with herbal medicine and other natural treatments not being readily available through mainstream medical practices. Most mainstream doctors consider this form of treatment for the body some sort of witchy hocus pocus.
Modern medicine and alternative practitioners should work together as there are some things that a herbalist or naturopath can't do, and the ones I use will suggest a visit to get bloodwork done and other  tests that they don't have the tools for, so there is a willingness to work with the mainstream medical doctors. On the other hand, attempting to find a mainstream doctor with an open mind really is another matter entirely. 
It has taken my body a while to get on top of things, and at first the progress I will admit was slow, but  I am really grateful for having followed my intuition and returned to plant medicines to heal and strengthen my body.....

1 comment:

luksky said...

So many people are on mainstream medication these days. Like you, I prefer the more natural way of keeping myself healthy.