Friday, October 13, 2023

My Garden...

My garden, my private sanctuary from the world, a place of peace and serenity.
 It is also a place of mystery and wonder, of magical moments full of gratitude. 
We all live our lives so differently, being alone in the garden or anywhere in nature makes me feel seen and whole. 
The silent embrace I receive from my beloved Earth Mother exceeds anything I feel when out in society. When out amongst society I always feel insecure and disconnected, especially when my daily travels take me indoors away from Gaia. 

Watching the passing of time, the unfolding of a flower, the busyness of a bee, the wind teasing the foliage, all these things feed my soul.
Embracing me so powerfully, it often brings forth a surge of emotions. 

 I have always felt that we are not taught the right things, school to me was incredibly boring, numbing. Where was the magic, where was the mystery.  
Being inside for long periods of time causes an isolation making me feel depleted and unsettled. 
It took many years to understand what was happening, why I did not thrive in society as others do.

Creating a garden and tending to it brings such joy. 
As does walking anywhere in nature. 
Surrounded by such magnificence, so many beings tiny and humongous ignites my senses like nothing else can.
I acknowledge how blessed I am, to be unique as I amble through life, supported by mighty forces unseen, yet ever present... 



William Kendall said...

Lovely shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you.