Friday, November 18, 2022

The Freshly Planted.......

The freshly planted raised garden bed has a lovely selection of vegetables and fruits ready to provide a bounty of goodness. Not liking to kill any plants I had let the previous plants in this bed go to seed before reluctantly finally pulling them out.
Watermelon, apple cucumbers, celery, a mix of lettuces as well as beans, strawberries and rocket have now been planted. There is also a few heartsease plants of which I will harvest the flowers for summer salads.
 Before I planted I put in a mix of soil improver and water retaining mulch to assist the seedlings with the hotter days ahead. By sheer coincidence the weather took a wintery turn and I was soaked as I happily planted in the lovely unseasonal rain. 
It has continued to rain today giving these tiny plants a good soaking and a nourishing start as they find their roots and begin to grow.....



William Kendall said...

Time shall tell.

Sharon said...

I am envious of anyone who can grow plants of any type. I have no luck at all.

Gemel said...

That it will William.

I would be lost without growing plants and I do loose a few along the way too.