Thursday, November 17, 2022

A Leisurely Wander.......

A leisurely wander around one of the oldest parks in the little town of Guildford. Established in 1829, it is a lovely place mainly due to the many old houses that give this little town it's charm. 
My gaze lingered upwards as I entered the park taking in the height and presence of the towering grandmother trees. These beautiful sugar gums were planted in the late 1890's apparently in celebration of Queen Victoria's  Jubilee in 1897.  As well as these magnificent sugar gums there are many other trees that are equally as old and as beautiful. Some of the palm trees were incredibly high and look somewhat out of place here among the towering native trees. 

There is a small garden planted in the traditional english way and although a quaint rose garden sounds appealing the plants here were not flourishing, many of the roses looking forlorn and dried out, the ground dry hot and rock hard. 
This is not a nourishing environment for non native plants, a good mulching is needed to keep plants thriving and alive in the long hot summer months and this garden seemed long overdue for some help to keep the moisture in the earth. The rosemary hedge on the other hand was thriving, rosemary does take a wee while to find its roots, once it does though it normally thrives. This hedge had many little honey eating birds flitting in and out of it, it did appear a very safe place for the small birds to nest. 

As I walked along I was captivated by the different textures of the bark. I love to touch the trees as I pass feeling the differences in the outer skin of each tree. Gazing at the huge branches as they reached out for the light often intertwined with each other as they wove their way towards the sun had me transfixed.
 Trees are fascinating beings and I never tire of being in their presence. 
They are calming and induce moments of quiet contemplation as their gentle and healing energy oozes out to mingle with those who walk among them, especially those of us who like to settle at their roots, back against the trunk and simply be in the presence of true magnificence.......



William Kendall said...

The trees have such a different look to what we see here.

Gemel said...

They are vastly different to the trees in your part of the world.