Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Miss Brulee.......

Miss Brulee was scratching around close to the mini food and flower meadow I planted some weeks ago, probably trying to figure out a way in! With the recent wet weather the seeds that were sown have really begun to flourish now the heavens have finally offered it's boon. Given that the area was planted in a haphazard kind of way, where the seeds were mixed when they were scattered it is interesting to see what is coming up. 
Peas are starting to climb up the wire fence. A few broad beans are also getting quite high. There is oodles of spinach and mustard greens, as well as loads of calendulas scattered about in the food parts of the meadow. 
I am still not sure what flowers are going to appear as there was so many in the mix, the flower seeds not as quick to sprout. Perhaps they are waiting for a bit more rain? A lovely colony of mushrooms have created a semi circle around one of the dried out tree trunks. I am thinking of planting some sweet pea  to climb up the trees in the garden that have sadly perished during the dreadful heat last summer and maybe in the summer some more greens as they will be a natural frame for climbing vegetables........



William Kendall said...

Very productive.

Gemel said...

Looking forward to the first harvest.