Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Discovering A Different.....

Discovering a different species of hakea, the same pincushion flowers as the ones in my garden yet a completely different hue and with broader flatter leaves. I was quite taken with this plant and happily observed the bees feasting. 

The walk was quite pleasant and as always many things caught my eye. There were a lot of birds heard in the dense bush yet not many seen. 
A lot of little caves and burrows were seen also, I wondered what lived in them all. Perhaps lizards and small marsupials, maybe a snake or two.
Although far behind with the autumn rains this year, with the few showers we have had the bushland is definitely beginning to brighten and come alive. 
Patches of succulent grasses and tiny pink flowers were scattered about adding a lovely splash of colour against the reddy tones of the earth.....



William Kendall said...

The pincushions are different from anything we see here.

Gemel said...

They are absolutely magnificent flowers.