Thursday, August 20, 2020

More Photos.....

More photos from yesterday morning's stroll around the garden, I was interrupted with doing the post with my friend popping over for a catch up and coffee.

We moved chairs down into the back garden chasing the sun, feeling the need to warm our bones against the chill of the morning.
Sipping our coffee we watched the comings and goings of all the birds, some zooming overhead, others coming in for landings in the garden and a few flying very close to our heads as they headed for favourite trees.

What a blessing to have  someone who shares my love of nature, happy to sit in comfortable silence and observe nature, someone who like me ponders the miracle of life, someone with a gentle heart.

With all manner of topics covered in a few hours I think my favourite discussion was about the past and the future, where is that defining moment where the past ends and the future begins?
There is no defining point.
It is simply one continuous moment.

The more we focus our attention on what has been and what is yet to come the more we live a life where we are not fully present.

It takes practice to calm the mind and to focus on only what is in front of you.

By being fully present in each moment without the mind chattering about distractions life takes on a whole different meaning. 
Little things are not missed, even mundane household chores become more fun by focusing completely in each moment and being grateful for having the ability to do the ironing,wash dishes, mow the grass.

I acknowledged how grateful I am to  to see the word, and to hear the world, to feel with my hands, to smell all array of scents and aromas.

We can take so much for granted if we find ourselves forever filling our heads with mindless self talk, living in the past or chasing the future.

When you cease the babbling mind life becomes so much more interesting.

Wordless moments shared with another as you sit in the sun watching life in a garden unfold around you and feeling so much contentment for simply being there sharing such blissful silence as life dances around you.....


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots!