Wednesday, March 20, 2024

An Oasis Of Green...

An oasis of green lured me closer as I left the art exhibition, the vibrancy almost shimmering under the hot midday sun. The shade was reeling me in as the day was far hotter than I expected. The trail is known as the Jim Gordon VC trail. Once on the raised wooden walkway you step into another world.

 Towering ancient paperbarks reach for the sun and a carpet of ferns covered the swamp itself.  Tiny birds were heard singing from the canopy, up here there would be many species that are not found where I reside. Although I stood still many times hoping for a glimpse, one fantail was kind enough to remain still from then on, I saw only ducks and one lone dragonfly. 
At night this magical place would be alive with other creatures who like to slumber during the day. As it was the chorus from the many birds heard yet not seen was incredibly loud, even drowning out the joyous croaking from the frogs. The outside world slipped away as I lost myself in experiencing this unique place. 
There were signs of the swamp succumbing to the unrelenting summer heat in parts yet overall, I was completely astounded that so much water was still nourishing this amazing wetland...



Sharon said...

That sounds like a great place to soak up some nature. I love the shadows in that first photo.

Gemel said...

I love that first photo too.