Saturday, March 23, 2024

It Seems Such...

It seems such a long time since I have spent time in the garden, the summer months have seen me hibernating indoors to escape the relentless heat. Keeping the garden alive has proved a challenge this year, a few plants have sadly perished, most though are hanging on. With no real respite finding us as yet, even though autumn has apparently arrived the days continue to be draining and too warm. The nights and mornings are a little cooler, yet it is rain that is desperately needed, and that is nowhere in sight. 
The garden has a forlorn energy emanating from it, even the chickens have been less animated as they have endured the scorching summer days constantly looking for cool places to avoid the heat. With only two flowers in bloom the garden isn't seeing as many of the little honeyeaters visiting. Hopefully soon the weather will shift, and the much-needed rain will finally reach us...


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