Saturday, September 10, 2022

Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone.....

Stepping out of my comfort zone, heading out the front gate and around to the back of the cottage where I went to enjoy the Chidlow BBQ Festival. Not being a lover of crowds I wasn't sure how I would fare, given I like to hobbit away in my own little realm.To my delight I had a fanatic time, especially watching the woodcutters. The power and skill these men have is impressive. 
There were camel rides for the children and of course I went over to admire these beautiful animals. I find they have the most incredible eyelashes. They were so calm and didn't seem worried about the activity carrying on around them obviously they have done this before.
I was really interested in two stalls. One a native oils stall and the other a healing modality. The stall holders were friendly and eager to chat to all who passed and learning that these were local business was good to know. I bought a few items from the native oils stall and stepped out of my comfort zone even more and took time for a little bit of healing.
 There were a few rides for the smaller children and other attractions that I guess we all love at a fairground. Even though this was on a very small scale the atmosphere was really buzzing, the warm spring sunshine made the day even more enjoyable as I ambled my way around before heading back to where I started, watching the woodcutters......



William Kendall said...

The camels are fascinating.

Gemel said...

Camels are fascinating animals.

Sharon said...

That looks like loads of fun. I agree about the camels. Beautiful animals.

Gemel said...

It was a fun day, and I agree camels are beautiful.