Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A Clear And Fresh.....

A clear and fresh energy is emmanting from the seldom used chicken's day pen and the food and flower meadow which lays behind it.  With five trees having been damaged through storms,  four have gone completely and another cut back in attempts to save her. The area has far more light and feels very open and big. The fig tree is now sprouting new growth with many tiny figs already appearing. I wonder if this year I will have a fig or two before the parrots help themselves.

In the food and flower meadow not as many of the seeds germinated as I would have hoped. Calendula flowers have began opening and some will be harvested to add to salads, whilst others will be left to self seed. Some of the rocket has begun to flower also, again these will self seed. The broad beans were damaged by one of the falling trees, and despite being flattened they are still looking healthy and beans will  be replacing the flowers shortly.
Along the back fence of the flower meadow some of the plants are really tall. I have no idea what two of the plants are and as they have budded up I am soon to find out. There are two Californian poppies that have grown which means that once they have gone to seed I will have many more next year. A lot of the food plants were squashed, and the chickens have also been getting through the fence and helping themselves to tasty greens. 

The ring necked parrots were  hovering close by when I was near the seed bucket in hopes of a bit of feed being thrown out. The garden was filled with trills and chirps from so many of the smaller birds however all were hidden in the branches. I have several nesting new holland honeyeaters in the garden, they have returned to last years nesting areas as they are really safe from the larger birds. 

In the rest of the garden flowers are seen everywhere. Different scents drift in the air. The jasmine in the front garden is particularly strong the beautiful perfume filling the cottage as well.
 Not being one to over mow the grass I did think that perhaps a quick run around with the mower might be in order. Already with the sun warming a little some of the winter grasses are already dying off.  There are a few patches of barley growing which I will mow around so it can go to seed giving the chickens more tasty natural food to enjoy. 

There are many other food plants scattered around the garden that are thriving, the nasturtium leaves and flowers are used in salads, there is a thriving endive plant which the chickens partake of occasionally. 
The blueberry bush will need netting soon as it is ladened with ripening fruit, and these I don't want the birds to take. The mulberry tree also has so much fruit appearing, many pies will be made once again from the harvested berries.. 

The acacia trees have seed pods dangling which will entice many varieties of parrots into the garden, when the pods dry a little more the birds will arrive to enjoy them. And as they feed I in turn enjoy their presence in my little realm.
Ending my meander by picking a few sprigs of rosemary to make a pot of healing and warming tea......



William Kendall said...

Lovely garden shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.