Tuesday, September 06, 2022

After A Weekend Of....

After a weekend of pure relaxation it was back into the untamed bushlands I went, once again heading to Nyaania Creek Reserve and taking yet another track. Rain was lurking in the clouds yet it didn't rain until I was headed home. The bushland was vibrant, joyous birdsong was filling the air the relaxing chorus lifting my heart as I headed off to see what I would discover. 
At first I headed down to what once was the Helena River, the river has been dammed and there was but a slither of a puddle winding its way through the foliage. Surrounding it were many delicate ferns which were flourishing after the winter rains. It was a wonderland for the senses. 
Heading back to the main track I went in search of the dam, the track wove it's way through the bushland and the views across the valley were breathtaking. On the other side of the valley there was a crashed car laying part way down the hill.Stopping at the dam and saving further explorations for another day I headed back taking my time to enjoy the astounding beauty. Flowers were abundant and many caught my eye, especially the beautiful pink native coneflowers. 
Hiking back to the car the sky became a canvas of spectacular clouds as another storm front moved closer giving me images of ominous beauty as the clouds inched ever closer........ 



William Kendall said...

Rather lush.

Gemel said...

I love winter here for the lushness it brings.