Thursday, September 08, 2022

From Time To Time.....

From time to time I reread The Sacred Tree, Reflections on Native American Spirituality. The book is dedicated to the peoples of the Earth in this time of great upheavals and it's message is wise as much as it is inspiring and soothing. 
I am always prompted to grab my journal and do some writing of my own when reading this book, it also makes me appreciate my connection to the Earth and all creatures and plants. 
 With being out in nature as much as I am I already live my life by the values once taught, yet I find something soothing about rereading this book. 
When inspired to reread this book I take the time to listen to my inner prompts and more often than not I find myself settling into a mediation as the words take hold of my heart. As I reread the familiar words I look at how I have shifted and changed since the last time I read the book and of where my path has taken me. 
Humans have the ability to Be at One with All Life, I cannot envisage living my life any other way.....


William Kendall said...

That does fit with you.

Gemel said...

Thank you William, it truly does.