Wednesday, September 28, 2022

After A Snuggly.......

After a snuggly start to the day it was sadly off to the vet again for Charlie. 
His allergies have spiked again with bouts of sneezing and heightened anxiety. Poor little love.
He is not a good traveller normally, yet on the way home after a spray of a cat calming concoction he actually settled down and was far more relaxed. 
He endured a skin scrape to check to see if the allergy is from mites unseen by the human eye as they are so tiny. 
No mites, thank goodness. 
So he was sent home with two medications and a plug in pheromone diffuser to lessen his anxiety which we are hoping along with the medication calms things down. 
An hour after the diffuser was plugged in all three kitty kids very purring and contented.....



William Kendall said...

Charlie takes it in stride.

Gemel said...

Sometimes he is William, this time he has been very anxious.