Wednesday, September 07, 2022

We Could Learn....

We could learn a lot from water. Be it raging river a pounding ocean or perhaps the serenity of a gentle stream.  Water flows without resistance.. If a hazard appears it may get a little rough but the water will swirl it's way around it slowing once again to find it's natural flow. Then all is calm and flowing once again. Being in alignment with the elements was once a part of human life. We were taught by the Elders to see the interconnectedness of All life and the energies they bring.
Now though, with many humans dwelling in cities some never have their bare feet on the earth to ground themselves, so the thought of coming to sit by a river for balance and clarity would be the last thing many humans would do.
Water calms and relaxes as much as it energises and cleanses. 
Sitting by the water with eyes closed just listening calms the mind and soothes the soul.
I often feel that I was birthed in the wrong time and ponder why this was so, for it has been the teachings of the Elders that have always made more sense to me. Stories of age old wisdom have spoken deeply to me. They made more sense than being disconnected from the Earth and being confined in a building. Be it through a book or spoken these stories were what awakened me.
These stories inspire and ignite the heart, while bringing a gentle inner flow of peace. Being instep with nature means that the cities and distractions don't tempt me. But at the points in my life where I did dwell in cities, my balance was gone.
 Sometimes we need to walk a path that causes imbalance and disharmony, for without experiencing what is not in alignment with us, how would we know where our path lies......



William Kendall said...

Good shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.