Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Sitting And Waiting....

Sitting and waiting for a couple of hours in the front garden after retrieving my camera waiting for a pair of tiny spotted paradotes to reappear. I noticed them while watering the garden and rushed to grab my camera. 
Did they reappear? 
But I enjoyed the ambience of the front garden while I waited and waited and well, waited.  I have heard them recently as I have learnt to recognise their song. And it seems that this is the time of year they visit the garden. They are however quite shy it seems. The spotted paradote is one of australia's smallest birds, hopefully I will get some photos soon. 
I wasn't alone in the garden for long though, one of the new holland honeyeaters came to pose for a few more photos......


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Pretty bird shots!