Saturday, April 24, 2021

Happy To See.....

Happy to see more signs that autumn is here, although by midday it was warm enough to chase me inside for a few hours. The flame tree next door is losing its leaves, and at the same time the flowers are beginning form, and one actually beginning to flower.
The golden afternoon light brings such a softness to the garden, it's the best time for a wander.

Aslan has taken Bella as is favourite hen, tending to fuss and guard her more than the others. All of the chickens are in different stages of moulting and feathers are blowing about everywhere in the garden. At least it isn't really that cold, so hopefully they will all be fully feathered before the cold weather hits. Teenage rooster Pluto has found that one of the gardens chairs is a great place for crowing. The two roosters seem to get on pretty well, I actually think that it takes two to keep an eye on six hens who all take off in different directions on a regular basis.

 Many of my grevillea plants are in bloom, they are all so wildly different, and so otherworldly. Sometimes I would love to sit down with the architect of the planet and ask what they were thinking when they came up with grevilleas. Seriously they are weirdly beautiful and always amaze me.

The kitty kids were desperate to go out in their pen after me being out of action for most of the week. Bird watching is becoming a favourite pastime, they are getting particularly fond of early evening for going outside. In their pen they can stalk to their heart's content without any lives being taken. The birds have all worked out that they are safe and sometimes I think they tease the cats by going very close to them on purpose.

 One of my white bottlebrush bushes in flower, I have two planted fairly close together, but they rarely flower together. And the pincushion hakeas are still attracting a lot of bees.
A new holland honeyeater was dining on a grevillea in the front garden and a pair of magpies were running across the grass searching for leftover chicken treats.

Feeling grateful for finding such joy from simply being in the garden. 
Life doesn't need to be complicated. 
Being quiet and still, watching the ever changing tapestry of my little patch of Gaia brings a richness to my soul. No day is the same, no moment the same, life continues to unfold around me in silent grace.......



William Kendall said...

Those cat expressions are priceless.

Gemel said...

I know they are funny to watch.