Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Lazy Mob.....

A lazy mob of kangaroos had me captivated for several hours today. Some as you will see came up very close as I was getting ready to capture their photos, I decided that the up close and personal nose and whiskers photos needed to be added.
So cute having them come up to actually nibble on the camera and my clothes at one point too.
Seeing it was a warm day they were all rather sleepy, and I did have to have a chuckle at a couple of the weird positions they get themselves in for a midday nap. All the joey's were tucked up in pouches, although one came out towards the end. Also a couple of close ups of a pouch can be seen.

As well as the kangaroos there are a few other special creatures that were up and about on a much too warm autumn Saturday. Hope you enjoy the walk......


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Those roos certainly are adorable.