Tuesday, April 06, 2021

After A Bit......

After a bit of a search I have finally identified this glorious little being. 
It is a native drone fly. I did not hear the droning sound it would normally make when flying as this one was walking towards the flower. Apparently they tend to hover near the flowers when feeding, this one chose to stay put on a leaf, which was great for me as I got a few photos of it. 
They can't sting, but because they mimic bees with their droning sound they are often mistaken for a kind of bee. The larvae will feed on aphids so that is good to know. 
Another unexpected little visitor to the garden that had me investigating for a couple of days, it is so amazing what surrounds us out in our gardens. 

If you stop long enough there is always something new to discover......

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

A new one to me.