Monday, April 26, 2021

Having Been ....

 Having been asked a few times recently why I choose to spend my time alone either at home or wandering in nature. I replied nature doesn't play games, manipulate, enjoy drama, blame, indulge in gossip, carry grudges nor have expectations.
Plus being around people there is always too much talking!
Sometimes I wonder whether people just speak to hear their own voice, to fill in the silence because that is confronting.
Humans are a complicated and often needy bunch, luckily I work one on one in the community and don't have to deal with the normal goings on in a work environment. And as for my private life, well that is far more harmonious the less humans are involved. Plus there really is a lot to gain from actually being alone. 
In the media those who are alone are often portrayed as less than perfect. Like there is something wrong with you if you don't have a significant other, or hordes of friends. Being alone takes a bit of getting use to, and in all honesty it's not for the faint of heart, because learning to be on your own in this superficial world we live in takes a great deal of courage. 
I have seen people cling to others or situations out of fear of being alone, in fact I have done that in the past. But when you actually let go of the fear and decide to embrace being alone changes come and all of them are good.

There is nothing worse than being lonely while surrounded by others, and loneliness is not the same as being alone. 
Loneliness is about not being seen for who you are, or taken advantage of due to lack of self worth.

The greatest insights come when I spend time in solitude. I have also seen how I might change to fit in or compromise my principles just to have "friends"around me. 
Living alone has taught me to watch what being with others actually brings into my realm. And to notice the changes of my energy when with others, to look at my own behaviours too. Living alone has also taught me to trust my intuition more, that doesn't mean I always listen when my intuition speaks. I still make mistakes and get myself into situations that sometimes get murky, but there always comes a point where I understand that something needs to change, and the change is always the same. 
Spend more time alone. And see what it is you need to learn.

Those who are always busy doing and never still enough to simply be miss out on so much. Those that struggle when on their own maybe need to look at why they can't be alone. 
When we think that our happiness depends on someone else that is selling ourselves short. Learning that we don't owe anyone an explanation for what we need to do for our own peace is empowering. 
Being alone is taking ownership of your own life.
It's about enjoying your own company.
It's about learning to see with more than your eyes.
It's about spending time delving into behaviours and patterns and seeing what you have learnt and what you still need to work on. It's about seeing yourself warts and all, and loving yourself regardless......


William Kendall said...

Very well said. I have to admit, I have many days when I'm feeling discouraged by other people in general.

Gemel said...

Hearing you William and thank you.