Monday, April 19, 2021

Ending The Day....

Ending the day with my normal meander around my little sanctuary to see what captivated me. 

At last the turn of autumn seems to touching the plants. Kisses of golds and reds on the leaves. A welcome sight, the change of the season has been a slow one, and still I am yearning for wooly hats and scarves to replace the summer attire. 
All of my pincushion hakea trees are now in different stages of flowering, a sure sign that autumn is here. Also my geraldton wax plants are all budding, a couple already showing a few of the delicate tiny pink flowers.
What captivated me the most this afternoon was a lone new holland honeyeater high up in one of the gum trees. Silhouetted against the grey sky he made quite the impression. 
Each image a little bit different from the one before, as with all the photos I take of my flowers no image is the same. 
I did wonder what he was thinking there up in the tree, waiting for evening to bring on his last serenade of the day? Or maybe looking for a few little bugs for a late afternoon snack?
Like him I adore this time of the day in my garden, the light has that magical golden quality to it, the air a brisk little nip, and the birds appear to be doing the same as me, watching the ending of another day...



Unknown said...


William Kendall said...

Wonderful closeups.

Gemel said...

Thank you