Tuesday, June 08, 2010

This Was................

This was I would have to say, one of the most surreal places I have ever set foot on.
An island of perfectly white and soft sand, right in the middle of nowhere.
It was such an thrilling experience to be walking on this piece of land void of any vegetation, just sand, so simple, yet so amazing. a definite WOW moment.
I assumed correctly that it is only accessible during the low tide, which didn't dampen my enthusiasm at all, as for the next hour or so I could simply enjoy it's beauty.
I guess it is one of those things I never thought that I would do, sitting and eating lunch on a sandy island somewhere in the pacific ocean....................
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luksky said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!!

Ronda Laveen said...

It must be strange to see no vegetation and only sand water for miles. I have so much vegetation around where I live that that would feel like another planet.

Your ride to the snorkeling spot sounded fun but harrowing. Beautiful photos.

Jaky said...

God is a great artist. He paints simplicities as beautifully as complexities.
Enchanting photos. You're also a great photographer!

PepeB said...

Simply fantastically beautiful!