Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I Went Walking.............

I went walking the other day on my soon to be new home.
I have had mixed feelings about this project right from the start, but having seen some movement towards an actual start of the building seems to have prompted a spark of interest within me. My imagination took me on a quiet stroll through the rooms, giving me a sense of what it would be like to be living here with my three feline babies. The inspiration of creating a new garden as always appeals to my senses, and of course I have no lack of visions for that particular task, the nurturing of new life, would mark the beginning of yet another new chapter in my life, but, is this where I want to be? As I stood there surveying the foundations I felt rather detached. A lot has happened and changed for me since deciding to build this home, many new paths have opened up to me and now I am uncertain as to where it is my hat will call home. Therefore, all I can do is to leave it all, in the lap of the gods...................


Ronda Laveen said...

Yes, the gods will show you the way. It must be hard to be torn when you are facing such a big venture and investment.

Jaky said...

New home! wooooooo!