Friday, June 11, 2010

There Is Something About..........

There is something about the ending of a day that suspends time for me, the call of the sun beckons me to stop, to enter the placid point of peacefulness within myself.
Feeling the entirety of all existence in complete alignment preparing for the entrance of night.
A stilling time, where the mystical hues of light reflect the sublimity of the simplistic magnificence of nature.
A time where by sitting and observing the quieting of my own body/mind I begin to fuse with the totality of creation.
Looking to the Light of God, opening to the heart of passion in that moment of insightful understanding, where I know intrinsically that I am as vibrant and holy as all I am witnessing, a minute aspect of the entirety of the Universe that radiates around me with unbridled rapture...........


67 Not Out (Mike Perry) said...

The ending of a day is a very special time as is the beginning of a new day. Magical times that can uplift the soul.

Tamarind~ said...

How beautiful, my dear lone poet!!

Anonymous said...

The end of the day is definitely a great time - especially whilst shared with a fabulous sunset :0)