Sunday, June 13, 2010

One Of My.............

One of my greatest joys when travelling is seeing the local birds.
Often though, I hear them but, am not always successful in locating them as they are either flitting about or camouflaging themselves in the foliage.
I seemed to have bemused a lot of the other guests as they passed me whilst I stood either head skyward or staring at some tree or the ground in mute fascination watching birds I discovered.
Most must have thought me a tad simple, as out of curiosity they would instinctively stop and ask what I was so captured by, when they found out it was nothing but a bird they would move on often remarking that the birds are a nuisance because of the noise they make.
Curious how one can find something so fascinating while another sees no miracle at all.
I marvel at the uniqueness of each bird I encounter, every one a living work of art.
Each to me is absolute poetry, each feather so amazing in the detail and shades that decorate their delicate bodies.
Each song a delight to my heart.
Watching such wonders of our world can captivate me for hours, enjoying the art of our creator, enthralled at the amount of imagination it took to birth the many glorious species of birds that fill our world.
When I delve deeper into the complexities of the Universe I am left dumbfounded, everything is a miracle, from a grain of sand to a blade of grass to the giant whales that sing beneath the waves, all of it was created by a Being of such infinite love, wishing to share his vision of beauty with all of us, yet, how many of us stop to see the gift he gave?
Whether a chicken, a turkey or a delicate green finch each bird is a rare a delicate individual, all unique, all divine.......


Jaky said...

divine, yes.

Ronda Laveen said...

Yes, they are infinitely divine.

luksky said...

I think most people are so caught in the mechanics of the world that they forget to notice the beauty around them.

My neighbors think I'm crazy because I refuse to kill the snakes that venture into our yard. I guess they have never heard of "the balance of nature" or the Bubonic Plague. :-)