My private sanctuary stood waiting, the serenity I felt as I stood here was all encompassing, I was engulfed in peace.
As I took myself on a quiet walk around the island I felt completely at One with all that surrounded me.
The clouds, water, wind.
Footprints in the sand leave a mark of our presence, yet with the breaking of a wave they are washed away, gone, all physical traces hidden forever, yet, in reality our essence is always there, it will never leave.
Nothing can truly erase the footprints that we leave, they are there, our energy connected to the places that we walk, connecting us forever to the memory and experiences we encountered.
Looking down at the volcanic sand that moved beneath my feet as I walked I pondered at how many other people had also walked upon this beach. How many had walked in ignorance of life's true brilliance as they stood softly upon the nurturing ground?
Did they stand and see the interconnectedness of everything that surrounded them?
Or were they only able to see the physical sight of its beauty as it shimmered in the warming sun as it cast its magical hold upon them?
I knew in these quite moments of living prayer with my creator that I was merging deeper with the core of my soul. To feel the magnificence of life around me pouring into my centre as I was simply being myself, walking in the presence of the divine in full view of all that I passed......
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