Tuesday, December 06, 2022

More And More.....

More and more flowers are appearing in the garden as the temperature rises. One of the giant strelitzia plants has its first flower of the season, nectar already beginning to ooze out of the bloom. These flowers attract so many insects, more than any other flower in the garden. They really are quite extraordinary. 
Elsewhere in the garden there are flowers opening as the weather warms enough for them to bud and bloom, grevilleas and kangaroo paws and the native hibiscus are all full of both buds and flowers. 
The white buddleia near my bedroom window is the first of the buddleia's to flower this season, closely followed by the purple and pink ones. The butterflies love these and normally a steady stream of these delicate visitors arrive throughout the day. 
The cinnamon myrtle is flowering for the first time too, this is a plant that I can use for teas and for cooking. As the name suggests it has the flavour of cinnamon. The flowers are very small and extremely beautiful.
More buds wait on my jacaranda tree, this will be another first time bloomer. How exciting these two trees bestowing their elegant flowers within weeks of each other after having waited for this moment for six years.....



William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.