Saturday, January 29, 2022

Three Surprises............

Three surprises crossed my path yesterday and I didn't have my camera handy as I had left it home.
 (I added some photos from the internet so that those who are not familiar with these animals can see what they look like.)

Emus are not seen that often even in the area I live which is completely surrounded by bushland. So seeing one of these giant birds ambling along a bush track with her two chicks was definitely a wow moment. When the weather cools a bit I am going to head out to explore this track and maybe, just maybe I might sight the emus again.

Continuing on my way I was smiling happily to myself thinking what a blessing it was to turn my head at the exact moment to see the emu family. 
I then noticed something on the side of the road, slowing down as I got closer I realised that it was a racehorse goanna warming itself on the tarmac. Slowing down further as to not spook it I managed to go around it while it continued to heat bathe on the hot road. 
Racehorse goannas are incredibly fast and if frightened will run up a tree for safety. Although I have heard that if a person is the tallest thing around they will up them instead. Not something I would fancy!

Once again I continued on the country road I was travelling on and was now doubly happy after seeing these two precious beings when suddenly overhead a wedgetail eagle glided into view and flew above me for around five minutes. 

Three wow moments in the space of ten minutes really did bring good vibes into my day. 
And a reminder to self that I must keep my camera in the car because one never knows when a miraculous happening may occur......



William Kendall said...

Wow on the emus.

Gemel said...

Emus are really a sight to see in the wild.