Sunday, January 02, 2022

A Fledgling Magpie......

A fledgling magpie visiting the garden for the very first time this morning. A little uncertain of its surroundings it kept in the safety of a tree whilst the rest of the family collected bits of rice and corn to feed it with. Still covered in the fluffy down on its body the adult feathers not yet grown through so adorable and vulnerable. It is the magpies tradition to bring their young to the garden as soon as they are able to fly. 
I find it very humbling each and every time.
 Their nesting tree is in the nearby bushland and the back door of the cottage is seen from this towering vantage point. In the mornings as soon as I head out with the days food for the chickens the magpies fly in. In recent weeks though as the chicks have been growing the magpies will serenade me from under the patio asking for a bit more rice for their fastly growing chicks. I tend to miss a day here and there as don't want them to be reliant on me providing food. They like the chickens especially love the treat of left over cat food.
There is always one adult perched somewhere keeping watch as the others collect food. They don't have as many predators to worry about as the smaller birds, but it still pays to be vigilant. 

As with all the creatures that favour spending time in the garden the adult magpies are not fearful and will take food straight out of my hand and they will do this in front of their young. This always is a special moment of being truly present in the moment and connecting one on one with these beautiful birds. They will always make eye contact before taking whatever tasty morsel I am offering. And this is the best moment of all.
 Such trust from wild birds is never taken for granted and is viewed as the gift it is..........


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