Blue banded bees are native australian bees and they rarely keep still.
They are buzz pollinators which mean they grasp the flower and shiver their flight muscles causing the pollen to shoot out. Visiting my sons garden today we were thrilled to see them buzzing around. They are drawn especially to blue and purple flowers. Only having my phone it was difficult to capture a good photo with the way they fly around in a random almost intoxicated fashion.
But although fuzzy a few photos were capture, as well as a couple just of the stunning flowers of the geisha girl on their own.
Note to self, get a geisha girl plant!
As well as the blue banded bees keeping us amazed the lemon myrtle plant was covered in beetles of which I am still trying to identify. The beetle's were in some sort of mating orgy and oblivious to us hovering over the plant. The lemon myrtle is a plant I have been seeking for the garden for quite a while, they appear to be somewhat difficult to come across.......
I enjoyed these photos very much! We call those purple flowers sapphire showers and I love them.
How strange that different countries call the plant such vastly different names.
Wonderful detail shots.
Thank you William.
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