Friday, November 26, 2021

Seeking Healing And.....

Seeking healing and restoration there is no better place for me to attain this than immersing myself in the cleansing salty waters of the Indian ocean. 
And it has been far too long!

My feet on the Earth.
The Fire of the Sun beaming down upon me.
The sacred healing Water cleansing me.
Salty Air filling my lungs.
All elements present and acknowledged. 
Adding more luxury to the day was the company one of my two most favourite people on the planet. 

For those who have followed me for many years you would recall that this stretch of beach was visited daily before moving to my magical cottage in the country. 

Hours upon hours were spent walking and swimming along this pristine coastline. In recent years I have not made the hour and a half drive it takes just to get here to enjoy this ocean wonderland. Excuses made for the three hours it takes out of a day just driving, yet, my body was so joyous to be once again floating on the current. Diving under the waves and actually just soaking up the therapeutic benefits of being in the ocean I understood that it is something that my soul requires. For balance and connection to Source. 
Making a silent declaration to my soul that once again the ocean shall be visited far more frequently, and then I relaxed and embraced the rhythm of the oceans for a few hours.

Not even summer yet and as I write at 15:42 it is still 31 degrees outside, the summer is coming, and so too will be many more days be spent enjoying this glorious aquatic playground..........  



William Kendall said...

Wonderful wave action.

I have only seen the Atlantic.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.

I have not seen the Atlantic ocean.

Sharon said...

This looks so delightful!

Gemel said...

It was SO delightful Sharon.