Tuesday, November 30, 2021

With The Seasons.....

With the seasons shifting from spring to summer the garden is changing also preparing for the onslaught of intense sunshine. The purple buddleia is the first of my many buddleia bushes to flower. No butterflies have arrived as yet, the bees are beginning to stop for food though. 

The summer heat so intense that midsummer it can be unbearable to be out in it even for five minutes,  yet this is when a lot of the native plants flourish. Each summer I am amazed at how the native birds animals and plants make it through the long hot days. My birds of paradise have their large exoctic flowers appearring, a sign the hot weather is on it's way. 

The grass already dying back, the lush green of winter is quick to disappear. The couple of ornamental grasses in the garden are flowering, each very delicate. The mulberry tree has nearly finished fruiting, and has finally had a growth spurt after years of not doing much at all. A few babbles found at a charity shop hung on one of the melaleuca trees. The magpies should have fun with these as they dangle swinging in the breeze.

Wandering through the garden the past couple of days I have taken to capturing  the flowers from a couple of slightly different angles. Little differences can be seen which normally fascinates me. A slightly different perspective  can really alter the way one sees things, even a flower. 

Some plants are full of buds, some are beginning to wilt, their flowering over for another season, time to rest. A cosy little retreat area has appeared over the past few weeks as trees and the yuccas have bushed out, yet another secret hideaway to spend a lazy hour or two......


Nick Barbachano - Enchanted Hallways

Happy Birthday.......

Happy Birthday Charlie.
Such an adorable boy who makes me smile and laugh with his funny antics. He can be a little too romantic for his sisters with his amorous and often demanding advances. 
Mostly though he loves to play, has a liking of avocado and loves to cuddle. 
He definitely brings love and happiness into my life on a daily basis.

I am still searching for the cause of his allergy, although his fur is growing back slowly where it had fallen out. Paws crossed that soon I will discover what is causing the problem. Until then lots of extra snuggles, especially today......


Sunday, November 28, 2021


The Cycles Of Nature......

The cycles of nature and her wisdom of knowing when the time is right to let go, to hibernate, to awaken and to to flourish. 
So effortless, so perfect.

Nature doesn't question the cycles of life, one season flows endlessly into another, some things wither and pass away allowing room for new life to spring forth. With the vast majority of humanity living in cities their connection to the flow of life has been lost. 

Gardens are a perfect analogy of life.
Of how important it is to flow with each season, not to fight what is taking place, allow things to be as they are meant to be. 
When I find that life has presented me with a choice to make it is walking around the garden where my answer will be given. 
Watching the endless shifting of buds to flowers. 
Autumn to winter. 
Winter to Spring. 
Spring to Summer.
Such wisdom as life flows from one season to the next without hesitation, without resistance.

Life should be like a garden, harmonious and in balance. When outside influences such as relationships or work or any other scenario that unbalances my equilibrium I go into the garden. 
I find the simplicity of being in my garden will always lead me to the solution of what it is I am required to do to restore my inner peace.
As a species humans tend to overthink, worry about what others may or may not feel and think about us. They judge and condemn, they ridicule, leading to all sorts of dysfunction to enter our realms. At the end of the day though if situations or interactions are not heartfelt and causing stress then action ought to be taken to reclaim our inner calm. 
And only we as individuals can know what is right for us, what is our truth. For each human story is unique. 

 Like a river humans too go through ebbs and flows, sometimes things are calm and peaceful, other times things get rough. Choosing to stay out of the calm peaceful place is an individual choice and in my opinion it takes more energy to be angry and spiteful. 
Some prefer drama, control, stories, hate and confrontation.
Others prefer peacefulness, serenity, happiness and stillness. 

Only we can make a choice for ourselves of what vibration we allow into our life, of who we allow to enter our sacred inner realm. Of those truly in resonance with our soul.
And only we know the truth of our own heart and of what brings us happiness and of what brings stress and unbalances the flow.
People come and go throughout our lives, just like the cycles in nature we too go through seasons of change, shifts and growths. And not everyone shifts and grows at the same rate. Some never expand themselves at all. 
Not all recognise or acknowledge that like a book life has chapters. It is not always easy reaching the final chapter of a book that you have so enormously enjoyed. And it is the same with our life stories, chapters come and chapters go.
 Beginnings need endings. And with an ending comes a new beginning.

Listening to my inner wisdom always brings clarity and peace. It allows me to flow with what my heart is saying and let the babbling rantings of the ego drift away on the wind with gratitude and grace.

Peace is restored when I stop fighting the current and allow the changes to manifest without resistance. Stepping into the unknown takes courage and as I have discovered on many an occasion the ability to experience new and wondrous things......