Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Returning To Hovea Falls....

Returning to Hovea Falls and exploring further along the track which lead me to John Forrest National park and it enchanting fairy village. 
The fairy village surrounds a pool that was crystal clear and very tempting to dive into. In the past it was used as a swimming pool in the summer months, not too sure if that is still the case, but shall investigate.
A couple of vantage points along the track clearly shows how dense the forest is, and how easy it would be to get lost. 
As the weather warms I won't be exploring as freely on my own as it becomes a little risky. 
There are venomous snakes waking up as the temperature rises. They are a little slow and cranky after their winter slumber and I really don't fancy encountering one on my own, I know that they would be more scared of me and would slither out of the way if they are able. But would rather be safe than sorry. 
There are also bushfires to content with as the weather heats up so I tend to keep these bushland meanders for the delightful colder winter months. Winter isn't over yet and I do hope to get a few more in before the Spring is well and truly over.....

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