Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Come For A Stroll.....

Come for a stroll around Kings Park Botanical Gardens and relax and enjoy the colourful display of springtime loveliness.
 I decided to go into this massive city park to see if any of the wild flowers were blooming despite being told that it was too early. 
So glad I did go because so many were already out and some nearing the end of their blooming. 

This is but a small selection of the western Australian wildflowers, as you will see I was captivated by a few. The diversity and uniqueness of these otherworldly flowers always amaze me. Another visit planned for next week....



Unknown said...

So stunning 😍

William Kendall said...

Lovely growth. The birds look sharp.

Gemel said...

It is a beautiful garden William. The birds have very sharp beaks.