Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas.....

Merry Christmas from the Magic Cottage here in Western Australia to all the regular visitors from across the world who pop by daily and to the occasional visitors too. So lovely that so many like to view my photos and see life in sleepy Chidlow.
The garden is filled with birds and the sun already having a sting to it and it is not even 8am, it looks like it will be a day of keeping cool in the air conditioning with the kitties being grateful for all I have.
Sitting in the garden and appreciating the life that surrounds me with such abundance is the best gift Christmas could offer.

May you all have a happy, safe and joyous day wherever in the world you may be.....


1 comment:

Sharon said...

Have a wonderful day and stay cool. I truly enjoy seeing all the wildlife that surrounds your home. Have a very happy Christmas.