Tuesday, July 07, 2020

What's Your.....

 What's your point of reference to how you view the way you live your life?

For me it is seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Of walking out into the garden and discovering two pale pink mushrooms springing from the earth and being in absolute awe at how magnificent these tiny fungus's truly are.
It's being moved to a place of serenity and complete joy by simply seeing this vision before me, of knowing that attempting to explain my way of walking this earth are personal to me, that no one can possibly view the world the same as I.

Having a conversation yesterday about how each of us experience life in our own unique way, and although we may like to offer our view of how another lives their life, we cannot see the world through their eyes, or feel it with their heart, therefore how can we offer advice, pass judgement on any other soul living a human life?

As I look back over my life story I see an ever changing expression of myself as I grow and heal from past stories no longer relevant, I have come to realise that the journey to self awakening, awareness of the self that I am is an ever changing thing, from one moment to the next I am not the same as I was moments before.
Healing the wounds of the past takes a lifetime, once one sets out on a path of self discovery the path is laid out, there is no turning back, for once you begin to see the road to personal freedom you have set in motion a journey that once begun there is no going back to what was.
I have come to a place of peace, the more I awaken to the truth as it is for me, the more I disconnect from the distractions of the world around me, finding my joy from the simple pleasures of life, I have created a life I do not need to escape from, and even in this I am judged by those who don't understand that the path I have chosen is what brings silence to my mind and a stillness to my heart, all from living life as I do.
Making peace with what has been, with who I once was has been the key to expanding on the self, of unravelling the layers of baggage I once carried proudly on my back, shedding this baggage has brought me to this moment, and although yesterday I was offered advice of what another thought I should do, how I dress, how I should change my hair, how I should change the way I commune with animals and nature, basically this person felt that I how I walk my life is wrong.

Their point of reference is what they think they see.

They cannot feel my heart.

It is what they think they know by fleeting interactions between the two of us.
The more I sat with the essence of this conversation the more I viewed it as a gift, because it made me see that they do not know me at all, and that what they suggested as to how I should live my life was only to return to everything I have worked so hard to unburden myself from.
I was told that I am hiding away up here in the hills, that I hide myself in my clothes, that I cannot continue to view animals as a part of my family, that I need to go on boat cruise and make new friends.
The strange thing was that during this conversation I began to doubt my path, myself and where I am in life, but sitting with it over the evening I realise that this person doesn't really understand the inner work I have done nor the path I walk.
This person has heard snippets of  my life, but has never got to know me in the real sense, therefore their point of reference is not valid.
This person cannot experience the miraculous changes I have felt, nor can they understand that these inner changes take time to work through and unravel, and that as these changes begin to infuse themselves within my soul I find myself at yet another set of crossroads, wondering where the next chapter will lead, yet I know in my heart that I am finally being true to myself and that I am not about to change the fundamental aspects of myself that make me who I am.
What I have learnt from this interaction is to stay true to myself.
That many people may not understand my connection to the Earth Mother and her creatures, but that does not mean that I have to change to view the world in their way.
For me there is more to this realm than meets the eye, and there is constant wonder surrounding me and I have the presence of mind to still see it all, from pink mushrooms to raindrops, there is so much to marvel at in life.
I am touched deeply by the magnificence of nature, I have retained the innocence of my child, a child who still comes to see the world through my eyes and this is perhaps the most precious gift of all.

Most importantly I have seen that we cannot pass judgement or offer advice to others when we cannot feel into their hearts, when our point of reference is a view of an outer shell of a human body which covers a divine soul which dwells much deeper within. A soul who has a purpose and a path individual to them, sacred to them.........

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