Sunday, July 19, 2020

It's Funny How......

It's funny how the Universe works, how paths in life chop and change, how one direction turns into another, the more you walk a path authentic to your soul the more you are given little tests here and there to see whether or not old triggers or hurts will ignite old patterns to arise.

One such instance happened today, discovering a message undetected for two years, therefore unread, if I had of read this message when it was first sent the reaction to this passive aggressive prose would have had a far different effect to how I received this message today.
Reading it today I realised that there was a reason this message remained hidden for such a long time, reading it in a calm and peaceful place I was able to read the words with an open heart, with no reaction to the negativity that oozed from the words.
It was validation that I am on the right path and that I have people in my life now who bring me nothing but joy and who see the work I have done to heal my soul.

Unravelling the infinite layers of the human soul is no easy feat, some never do any inner work at all, and even those of us who do there will always be something or someone who will give you a test to see if you truly are walking your path true to yourself first and foremost.
People come and go throughout our lives, some are family some are friends, sadness and grief can weigh you down, as can shame and guilt, but dwelling in these negative emotions only fester more of the same to manifest in your life.
Living in the past and rehashing past stories do not serve to heal, instead it keeps you stuck in a place of misery and blame, the place many say they want rid of, yet they keep the stories going and the pain front and centre in their daily lives.

Knowing when enough is actually enough and realising those who bring us down really do not need to be in our lives any longer, this is not easy to acknowledge let alone implement the changes necessary for your personal healing and growth, it's especially difficult if they are immediate family members.
However, to truly heal one does need to look at all the relationships they have, and to really look at the energy these interactions bring into their lives, if we do not feel uplifted when we interact with others then why are we trying to keep the relationship/friendship going?

The world is full of people who have baggage, it is filled with countless people who have come from traumatic childhoods, it is filled with people so full of pain that they take all manner of avenues to try to stop this pain, drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, sex, violence, shopping are a few of the habits people in pain use to try to numb what is going on within.
These people will often not be fully present in their lives, they will often go from one mishap to another trying to obtain the unobtainable, peace, acceptance and love. But peace will elude them if they are not ready to be accountable and take responsibility.
The path of true healing comes from looking in the mirror and seeing through the lies we tell ourselves, of standing up and saying no more poor me, the time has come to grow beyond the pain and learn to live a life where the past does not rule the heart and the head.
People in pain do a lot of things they are not proud of.
People in pain are all looking for the same things.
To be loved, to feel wanted, to be accepted, to feel seen.
Often these hurt filled souls will leave a trail of destruction in their wake as they try desperately to find ways to feel better about themselves.
Sadly it is not until you face yourself that you can begin to heal the pain within, learning to love the self that is reflected back at you in the mirror fully, to embrace that being warts and all, and to forgive that wounded soul and to learn to nourish the self and to know that you not only deserve to be loved you are a loveable beautiful soul.

Sadly when we are on a road where victim mentality is ruling our lives we surround ourselves with people who will continue to buy into our stories, who will get involved and offer their often misguided opinions as to what we should do, some of these people thrive on the drama more than we know, and their constant insights into what we should do often make matters even worse.
Drama keeps one away from living life fully present.
It keeps us stuck in the merry-go-round of despair and hopelessness.
It is not until we take full control of our own life and stop old coping mechanisms that we are able to move on to live a life fully present and at peace.
To acknowledge our mistakes, to know that the past is over and it has no hold over us any longer,  knowing that we keep ourselves trapped by replaying the same movie over and over in our heads.
Taking the steps to change the channel in your head and start over takes courage, and it is that first step of the journey which will lead to  deep healing well worth the effort of embarking on this road to self love.

Life is a miraculous gift, and through my own healing journey I have seen first hand how embracing the pain of the past can set your soul free.
I have come to realise that it is through mistakes that the soul grows, one layer at a time.
I have learnt that forgiveness of yourself and others frees the heart.
And I have learnt that like attracts like.

We have to be the change we wish to see, and as life unfolds in new exciting ways you find that the old patterns and people who no longer resonate to our changing vibrations will slowly slip away........

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