Saturday, July 25, 2020

Another Project......

 Another project currently on the go in the back garden is digging the grass out from around the trees and shrubs, I wanted to have more defined pathways around the back garden much like the front and now the plants are all large enough to give me guidance of where the paths should go..

This grass is very invasive and tends to strangle the plants, it is tough going as it does not come out easily, and after a full day doing this I didn't get very far, I am also not happy with the amount of insects that get killed when the grass is mowed, so less grass is much better all round.

I had hoped that with the trees a getting taller that the grass would not be able to grow with limited sunshine, but still it thrives.
So I shall keep at it, slowly changing the view of the back garden and giving the chickens more areas to turn over with their daily search for bugs and worms...............

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