Sunday, July 12, 2020


 Flowers, there is really nothing quite as delicate and magical than the miracle of a flower.

My garden is bursting with colour, so many blooms are opening up and adding eruptions of vibrant colour everywhere I look.
Bees, insects and birds are joyfully feasting on the nectars, pollen being dispersed as they all travel from bush to tree.
My favourite grevillea above and below is so unique and the hues so soft, it gives a gentle feminine energy to the secluded front garden, hidden from view until you meander along the winding path at the front of the cottage, I often sit here simply admiring this beautiful plant.
Everyone who sees this particular plant feels the same as I, they all comment on how beautiful these flowers are.
Birds flit in and out as I observe my garden paradise, the busyness of nature keeps me captivated for hours. 
Another hakea has finally flowered for the very first time, like many other plants it has taken four years to produce flowers, but the long awaited event has not gone unnoticed, each plant is checked daily as I do my walks around the garden to see what has changed overnight.

Still waiting for the macadamia tree to flower, I still don't know if the flowers will be white or pink, each year I wait for signs of buds, but again this year so far there is no evidence of flowers appearing. 
Also waiting for my native finger lime to fruit and the lilly pilly as well as my pineapple orange tree, I have a native apricot to plant too, so in a few years my garden will be producing more produce which is really exciting.

The majority of the plants in the garden are natives purposely planted to attract the birds and insects, giving them a haven and a regular source of food.

As another day begins and it is out into the garden I go........

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