Saturday, July 11, 2020

Harmony Of The Soul........

Harmony of the soul, where do you find it?

Harmony for me is found in nature, in the simplicity of life that constantly springs up around me, ever changing and unfolding with each new sunrise. 

In moments of quiet contemplation sitting in the garden I am granted peace, a peace so profoundly stilling that it weaves its way into every cell of my body centring me to be at One with all of creation.

What does threaten to take this stillness away is the bombardment of frequencies that are not natural.

With having very limited use of the internet in my home, mostly it is switched off, my television taken to the rubbish tip a very very long time ago, and the mobile data on my phone is rarely on, so venturing into homes or shopping malls, offices and the like where these frequencies are used without any mindful thought always make me feel very unwell, I do not align with these frequencies at all so I limit myself in these places, avoiding them as much a possible.

Reconnecting with nature immediately after being bombarded with these unnatural frequencies of the modern world always brings me back to my centre.

My heart stills, and I once again feel balanced, feet on the earth, back on a tree, wind teasing my hair, my soul can finally breathe as the gentle caress of my Earth Mother silently fills my body with her healing caress and serenity is found once again......... 


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