Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Recent Heat...

The recent heat has taken a toll on the flower meadow, many of the plants have withered under the intensity of the sun. The fig tree on the other hand is absolutely bursting with fruit which is taking its sweet time to ripen. Two of the corn plants are in flower even though they are still quite small. Hopefully a small harvest is soon to be enjoyed. 
A couple of dahlias have opened and so too have the paper daisies. A pink foxglove is adding it's stunning beauty to this part of the garden. I do wonder how some delicate plants survive the relentless summer heat, nature never ceases to amaze.
 There is also a lot of tomatoes slowly ripening and thus far no bugs or birds are helping themselves, which means more for me...



William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots

Gemel said...

Thank you.