Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A Quick Visit...

A quick visit to the river yesterday to go and see the goose family once again. Meeting a man out treasure hunting I found out that they have been here for years and are looked after and fed by the locals. I also found out that no dogs are allowed at the park and this helps to keep them safe.
The man had found an intriguing piece of metal which we talked about briefly. His thoughts were it was perhaps of middle eastern origins, I suggested maybe it was of Indian origins. 
He had also found some old coins buried down in the silt. He did say that he finds all manner of things buried in the mud sometimes he finds the odd valuable piece but mostly it is worthless. Other times he has a bit of investigating to do like with the mystery piece he showed me.
The geese and ducks were not too enthusiastic about his prospecting as they were disturbed from their mid morning slumber and took to the water honking and quacking their protests... 



William Kendall said...

Terrific close ups of the group.

Gemel said...

Thank you.